Wednesday, August 24, 2005

2005-08-21 Trip Report for the Day

Common Bronzewing (Phaps chalcoptera)

The sightings for the day are :-
Masked Plover
Australian Wood Duck
Common Bronzewing Pigeon
Peaceful Dove
Yellow-crested Cockatoo
Eastern Rosella
Red-rumped Parrot
Swift Parrot (very common, with 4 perched on a branch and 3 foraged on same tree)
Musk Lorikeet (about 5 roosting briefly at Swift Parrot site)

Little Lorikeet
Brown Treecreeper
Noisy Miner
Fuscous Honeyeater
White-plumed Honeyeater
Red Wattlebird
Noisy Friarbird
Regent Honeyeater (Active nest! Also one individual along Glen Alice Road)

Grey Shrike-thrush
Mistletoe Bird (stunning male - a lifer)
Richard's Pipit

As usual I like to wrap up the trip by stopping at Pearson Lookout point to take a scenery photo of the Capertee Valley. Part of the forest falls within Gardens of Stone National Park.

Thanks for the company of those I bumped into.

Capertee Valley as seen from Pearson Lookout at 5pm


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